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Friday, 9 December 2011

walk with you ♥

assalamualaikum ,
anda apakhabar ?
kalau sihat , alhamdulillah~ 

okay , 
pagi buta niy ,
mao cerita yang dah lama .
tapi belum sempat di update di beloved blog .

nak dijadikan cerita ,
peristiwa yang tersangatlah indah ni ,
terjadi pada 3 december 2011 .

kami ter-jumpa sesama sendiri di sekolah .
zu , muni , itek ade jobs kat sekolah .
manakala mas , arani , hanim saje datang sekolah ,

then , 
hanim couldn't join us coz she's up to go to her job .
it would be lovely if she would come .

okay , layan gambar yekk ?

these pictures when we're still lepaking in 5PA's class while waiting for our ceremony's over  .

*i've not edit it .

okayy , then kitorang pergi restoran terapung sementara menunggu hari yang panas berubah teduh and windy ~~

then , goin' to the beach .

arrived at the sea shore .

*aku ta tau mane pegi dak arani+muni -,-'

goin' to the 'batu' 

itek giloss , haha

and finally , goin' home .

my wish isn't huge .
just hope our friendship last forever .

byebye .
asalamualaikum .

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